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Commissioner Rev Mezuwa Banda |
Your Lordship, Justice Maxon
Mbendera, Sc, Chairman Malawi Electoral Commission
Fellow Commissioners
Chief Elections Officer and all
members of Commission Secretariat
Your Excellencies members of the
Diplomatic Corps and Representatives of all development partners present here
Paramount Chiefs
The Chairperson for Centre for
Multi-Party Democracy (CMD
Honourable Secretaries General and Leaders
of Political Parties
· Distinguished Members from the Civil
Society Organisations
Representatives of the Honourable
Attorney General, the Commander of the Malawi Defence Forces and the Inspector
General of Police
Senior Government Officials
Distinguished Members of the Press
Ladies and Gentlemen
Good morning
Once again, Ladies and
Gentlemen I invite you to the presentation of the Commission’s stand as regards
the issue of parallel voter tabulation.
I should start by mentioning
and this should be heeded by all electoral stakeholders that the Commission
welcomes the proposal by electoral stakeholders to come up with a parallel
voter tabulation (PVT) centre.
PVTs have become one way of
affirming credibility of results especially in fragile democracies. The
Commission has confidence in its voter tabulation system and we would like to
assure you as the Chair His Lordship Justice Mbendera Sc stated on 28 June at
Crossroads Hotel that we shall deliver the best with utmost impartiality. But elections being elections, we could not
stop anyone from having a parallel voter tabulation because that will be one of
the most effective tools to confirm the credibility of the Commissions
electoral results.
The Parallel Vote Tabulation
(PVT) methodology has become a powerful tool for citizen observer groups to
monitor, in real time, developments on Election Day. Significantly, PVT enables
citizen groups to independently analyze the integrity of voting and counting
processes and verify the accuracy of the official election results declared by Electoral
Therefore, once again, the
Commission welcomes the idea to have a parallel voter tabulation centre for the
2014 Tripartite Elections. If we have a parallel voter tabulation centre, we
believe some of the accusations the Commission has received in the past will
not be there because the parallel results will just attest to the credibility
of our results.
However, there is need to have
a common understanding of the parallel voter tabulation. The Commission expects
whoever will be involved in the parallel voter tabulation undertaking, whether
it be political parties or civil society organizations, to ensure they
implement a universal PVT. That is they should count result of each and every
registration centre. Not sampling a few polling stations.
The Commission’s intention is
to have a comprehensive parallel voter tabulation whereby the organizers cover
all the stations in the country. The 2014 elections will be highly contested as
can be seen from the positioning of activities by aspirants. Each and every
vote will count. The Commission will count to the last ballot and we want the
planners of the PVT to follow the same. They should put in place all necessary
procedures to ensure that they cover each and every registration centre in the
country. If there is a difference in the results released by MEC and those of
the parallel centre it will be easier to verify and rectify.
The Commission also expects
some level of responsibility for those behind the PVT. They have a
responsibility of ensuring the statistics they are collecting are correct.
Where the PVT has issued a result but it has been found to be wrong, they will
have a responsibility of correcting the information spread to the public as
soon as possible.
The Commission will also want
the organizations or institutions to be involved in running the PVT to have a
proper communication strategy. They should lay out elaborate plan on how they
will inform the public in the period running up to the polls and how they will
also be communicating whatever they have tabulated.
The PVT owners will also have a
responsibility of informing their followers that the results are unofficial.
The official ones will be released after being determined by the Commission
under Sections 90 to 99 of the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Act no.
31 of 1993 and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 74 to 83 of the
Local Government Elections Act no. 24 of 1996 . Elections are an emotive
activity and anything can spark out of mishandled information.
We also want an assurance from
those who will be involved in setting up a PVT that they will not abandon the
process but continue with it to the end. An abandoned PVT process can create
controversy if results turnout different at the end of the election. In ideal
case the Commission would have recommended that all stakeholders, be it
political parties and CSOs, have PVT in order to widen the comparative base in
The Parallel Voter Tabulation
Centre should also be located at a place where observers can also observe it
not at undisclosed location. The organizations involved should position
themselves to cooperate with MEC to sort out any difference that may arise in
the course of tabulation.
Furthermore, those wishing to
operate a PVT should remember to register with the MEC for purposes of regulation
of the process.
Those planning to set up a PVT
should set aside adequate resources to train the monitors and whoever will be
involved and also provide adequate equipment for them to operate efficiently.
Our position is that anything
that increases the credibility of our electoral process deserves support. We
need election results that are respected by both the winners and the losers.
Parallel vote tabulation is necessary because it will increase public
confidence in the election results, people will feel confident that the results
are accurate and that the government which will emerge from the elections does,
indeed, rest upon their will.
Distinguished Ladies and
Gentlemen, I am sure the position of the Commission on the type of PVT it
authorized has been clarified.
May God bless you and our nation.
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