Coincidentally the first day of
starting voter registration for this phase is a public holiday, Mothers’ Day.
This gives more of the reason to make this year’s Mothers Day celebration a
unique one.
Despite being a public holiday,
registration centres will be open normally from 8AM to 4PM on October 15. Let
us all take advantage of this public holiday to go and register. Those who plan
to treat their mothers on this special day, you can take them for registration at
the nearest centre if it happens that they are in the area where registration
will take place in the sixth phase.
Explain to the grandmothers, that
despite age and frailty they still have a right to vote. Help them to make it
to the registration centres to register. At the registration centres, they will
not queue but will be given priority as is the case with expectant mothers,
sick persons and those with various physical and health challenges.
Those of us who have younger sisters
who are mothers but they have not turned 18 or will not have attained the age
of 18 on May 20, 2014 which is the polling day, let us advise them that they
are not eligible to register despite being mothers. They can celebrate Mothers
Day but they should not go to register because that is an offence.
For those of us whose mothers are in
areas where registration already took place, let us take time to advise them on
the need to keep the voter certificate safe. Tell them that this is a valuable
document that they will use to elect a leader of their choice; that is a
councillor, a Member of Parliament and President. They should keep it at a
place out of reach of children or where it can easily get into contact with
water or fire. If they lost their certificates, they should not despair as they
can still vote. Advise them that during voter verification they should go to
the centre where they registered and inform the registration supervisor who
will issue them a replacement certificate.
Let us emphasise to our mothers that
it is their responsibility to keep the voter certificate safe, they should not
sell it neither should they allow someone to withdraw it from them. No one
should cheat them to surrender the voter certificate for safe keeping. If
anyone approaches them to buy their certificate they should report the person
to the Police. The public should also know that it is an offence to be found in
possession of registration certificates of which you are not the rightful
Let us also inform our mothers, that
it is an offence to give testimony that children qualify for registration when
they know that they are underage.
If our mothers are in areas where
registration is yet to take place, let us inform them on the need to register
at the time it is taking place. They have equal rights with men and they should
not allow anyone to stop them from registering. And all persons should know
that it is a crime to prevent an eligible person from registering.
Happy Mothers Day.
and questions:
Malawi Electoral Commission
0999274304; 0888870092
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